Tuesday, May 27, 2008

For those unfamiliar with blogging

well I just wanted to show everyone who doesn't know how to, how to leave me comments. Below each post that I make there will be a small line that shows the number of comments on that particular post. If you click on that line it will open up a new screen and will have a box on the right where the comment can be typed out. The best way to let me know who left the comment is to select the "Name/URL" identity and then once it is selected you can type in your name. After doing that just hit publish comment and your done!!

I just didn't want anyone to have an excuse for not leaving me a comment...(I am completely directing this post to daddy, momma and kale!)

1 comment:

  1. what an eventful morning to say the least-glad we were there to share it all with you-paiently awaiting to hear you are in the hands of those in charge-send me a
    text daily-GO GIRL-I LOVE YOU
