Thursday, October 30, 2008

happy halloween!!!!!!!!

so....basically i just feel like thats what i'm going to do! not much has been going on lately, actually let me rephrase that....not much "out of the ordinary" has been going on. basically just been keeping busy with school. i think right now we have 25 school days until the end of the semester!! thats so exciting! but the bad thing is, when the semester winds much begins to happen. for example...the robot project. well up until today we've just basically been doing research for it and we've been good with that cause we haven't had to really put out a lot of effort yet....well thats until today! our advisor told us we need to get some of our parts and start testing them to see what they will do and if they'll even work right, so tomorrow caleb and i are going to radio shack to see just what exactly can be found. kristin, (the group is myself, kristin and caleb) is gone to texas for the weekend, so caleb and myself are working on it by ourself tomorrow and then caleb is going to boston next week to do some genetically engineered competition...he's so smart!! and i think its possible that he might even be going to go interview with harvard med school on his trip....yeah thats right, hes so smart he can basically get into med school anywhere he wants haha im just glad hes my buddy!!! actually kristin and i both are and everyone else is mad cause he chose to work with us and not them....whatevs! so anyway, we're bout to kick it in high gear with the little buggy robot....not sure if im excited or not.

so im pretty sure i bombed another biochem test...those tests are so ridiculous!! i think i'll get my grade back tomorrow, but i seriously am praying that God is going to help me somehow in the end....i've been trying so hard, but somehow i just cant get it together in that class. at this point im hoping for a C...if i get a D then im going to retake it next semester and well thats just going to add more work to my otherwise easy semester!! im so scared about that class....and i thought organic was bad...pssshh.

lets see...oh, this is interesting. so i got invited to join this engineering honor pretty sure its a big deal. def bigger deal than i thought it was to begin with, but im pretty stoked about it. only like the top 5% of the senior engineering class is invited to join and its like this really secretive type thing. like we have to get 20 signatures, 10 student members and 10 faculty members. its so awkward getting faculty signatures because you walk into their offices and ask for their signature and they sign the paper and ask you what your major is and then nearly everyone of them stand up and shake your hand and say congratulations...i swear all 10 of them have done that....must be a secret tau beta pi handshake...hmm. so also, we have these "bents" basically what they are a brass representation of our little symbol thing. so when you get these bents they are really ugly and like bumpy, well i guess as a way to teach us pride, they make us polish these bents. basically you take files and sandpaper and you work on it until your hands hurt to get it to be "mirror finish" of course i just started on mine and its due tomorrow by 5...needless to say mine probably wont be the best, but it'll be ok. i've got the front pretty much done...i really cant believe what it looked like before and what it looks like now....its pretty awesome!!! but i have a blister and my hands are know like if you wear fake jewlery green....eeewww. so then we do this and turn it in tomorrow and they judge all the new intiates' bents and they have three different colors. if you get a white ribbon, you did, you did a little, you rocked it! and then of course the red, white and blue ribbon goes to the best polished bent of the intiate class....believe me that wont be me!! haha i'll probably be sportin a white, yeah you heard me right, we have to sport them. in a couple off weeks all the initiates dress up in like business attire and you have to wear your bent around your neck like a medal all day long! that afternoon you go into a secret induction ceremony and then a formal dinner. all i got to say is this should be interesting!! but honestly im excited, i know it just further certifies me as a geek, but its a pretty big deal in the engineering community. probably no one else will ever know what it is but its an accomplishment nonetheless! so anyway i think thats about the most interesting thing that has happened to me this week.

last friday night i attended the bsu's annual barn party. yes it was in a big ole barn and yes we square danced for hours!! its so so so fun! an awesome time!! well going to bed now cause im tired. sorry i just ramble on and on when i get on here. im sure you probably dont want to know all this boring stuff....but im going to write it anyway!

Monday, October 20, 2008

guess its time for another one!

once again, i am writing for the sole purpose to avoid homework/studying....well and to inform you of the happenings in my terribly boring life! its been was the start of fall break when i last wrote and man! that seems like it was months ago!! its ridiculous how fast time is going pretty sure that at any moment im gonna just take off and soar! ok maybe not really...cause today in organic chemistry lab we had to sit for an hour and a half while we heated a solution...and of course i forgot my phone at the house, my computer was still sitting on the kitchen table and that GRE study book was on the couch. i didn't have not one single thing to occupy my time and believe me it dragged on and on...and on....and on. it was terrible and it brought back to my memory just exactly how much i HATE chemistry!!! and to think while i was in high school i thought i liked chemistry....pssh, bump that! it aint no joke in college!

so my life has been so busy that i really cant think of what all has been going on...haha! im still doing some observation hours off and on at physical therapy clinics. i still really like it and i am beginning to feel more at peace about turning that application in, i think i can do this!! i think i can, i think i can! scared about it though ...the application deadline is quickly approaching and im so scared that i am not going to get it all done in time...making it my fault if i dont get in. its just a little overwhelming...i mean here i am growing up, making HUGE life decisions that will effect me from here to the end...AAHHHH!!! hello thats scary! who needs to watch scary movies to get a scare...just think about your life and what you are going to do when you "grow up"! freakin myself out, so im going to stop. well on that taking the GRE on wednesday...i only get two chances to take it and i need to make over 1000 to be competitive...lets hope that happens on wednesday so i wont have to try again!

this weekend some old high school friends that now live in that "other town" found their way to starkville and hung out for the weekend...oh, what fun it was!! i miss them...a lot. its probably best that we are all in different towns cause otherwise we'd all flunk out of school and be broke. haha we went out and ate twice, played apples to apples...thats a very fun game!! played frisbee and laughed and cut up more than you've ever was just what i needed!

well i dont think i know of much else thats been happening....i'll leave you with the most inspiring picture you'll ever see in your ready for it is!

GO STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

its fall y'all!!!!

so...i am minutes away from making the boring drive to the best place on earth....oh, i cant wait to see you BIG LEVEL, MS!!!!!!!! this week i studied a total of 20 hours for my biochemistry test, because i miserably flunked the first one and i have to make it up big time, so in order to do that i had to do some serious studying! i was mad about it cause like any college student i hate to study...but when i get that test and i flew through it cause i knew the answer to every question but like just dont know how i felt. i mean i still gotta get the grade back...but can i just say that i am pretty sure i aced that test! metabolic pathways were owned!!! so anyway i feel very accomplished this week! well at least in all my classes but statistics haha boy, that class. i hate it more than anything!! its ridiculous! but i did just get the hookup today...i ordered myself a little solution manual for all the problems that are in the book...i even overnighted it so that i could make sure that i had it in plenty of time to study for the test next week since i have to go back and teach myself 2 chapters worth of stuff....anyway, school is boring and it can drive a person nuts, we all know that so there is no sense in me ranting about it.

so last week i spent about 10 hours observing in physical therapy clinics here in starkville. i went to 2 different ones that operated totally different and i had a pretty good time. i got to see tons of different things and how things would be like if i did go through PT school. it kinda helped to put me at ease....i think i would really enjoy doing that as a career. you get to really know your patients and that is what i really like. also just seeing them be able to grow stronger and get back to their normal lives. it made me excited cause im more energized to get through school and to get into PT school. with that said, im going to put everything i can into doing all i can to get into PT school...but at the same time i know that if i don't get in i'll be ok. i am leaving that part up to God, if i dont get in then i'll know that is not where God wants me.

welp, i pretty sure thats all thats been going on in my boring life...honestly i cant even think of anything exciting...WOW thats sad haha. anyway i guess the best thing is the fact that i get to go home till tuesday...oh, what a nice break it shall be!!!! bout to make me a pb&j and then head south!! oh what fun i shall have on that boring drive.
