Monday, October 20, 2008

guess its time for another one!

once again, i am writing for the sole purpose to avoid homework/studying....well and to inform you of the happenings in my terribly boring life! its been was the start of fall break when i last wrote and man! that seems like it was months ago!! its ridiculous how fast time is going pretty sure that at any moment im gonna just take off and soar! ok maybe not really...cause today in organic chemistry lab we had to sit for an hour and a half while we heated a solution...and of course i forgot my phone at the house, my computer was still sitting on the kitchen table and that GRE study book was on the couch. i didn't have not one single thing to occupy my time and believe me it dragged on and on...and on....and on. it was terrible and it brought back to my memory just exactly how much i HATE chemistry!!! and to think while i was in high school i thought i liked chemistry....pssh, bump that! it aint no joke in college!

so my life has been so busy that i really cant think of what all has been going on...haha! im still doing some observation hours off and on at physical therapy clinics. i still really like it and i am beginning to feel more at peace about turning that application in, i think i can do this!! i think i can, i think i can! scared about it though ...the application deadline is quickly approaching and im so scared that i am not going to get it all done in time...making it my fault if i dont get in. its just a little overwhelming...i mean here i am growing up, making HUGE life decisions that will effect me from here to the end...AAHHHH!!! hello thats scary! who needs to watch scary movies to get a scare...just think about your life and what you are going to do when you "grow up"! freakin myself out, so im going to stop. well on that taking the GRE on wednesday...i only get two chances to take it and i need to make over 1000 to be competitive...lets hope that happens on wednesday so i wont have to try again!

this weekend some old high school friends that now live in that "other town" found their way to starkville and hung out for the weekend...oh, what fun it was!! i miss them...a lot. its probably best that we are all in different towns cause otherwise we'd all flunk out of school and be broke. haha we went out and ate twice, played apples to apples...thats a very fun game!! played frisbee and laughed and cut up more than you've ever was just what i needed!

well i dont think i know of much else thats been happening....i'll leave you with the most inspiring picture you'll ever see in your ready for it is!

GO STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. i almost got sick looking at the last picture. ha. i was thinking about you this morning. i see that things are busy for you. i will be thinking about you tomorrow. hey, i still don't know what i want to do when i grow up!! ha.... see ya soon, love to you, alison

  2. that is so UNinspiring. the only thing it inspires me to do is vomit. oooo burn.

    anyway, dude. i feel like a slacker you're all planning your next step in life and im still all "" and if africa doesn't work out? " shop?" ahahaha! so sad.

    i miss you. im sad you're not coming for the egg bowl. we suck too so i think itll be an even playing field. think about it. just saying.
