Sunday, July 20, 2008

radersburg...the place where i saw the BIG MOOSE!

so i just finished up the last vbs of the summer...and it was definitely the best yet. we stayed in a camper in one of the church members yards. boy was that quite the adventure!! we had at least one major problem everyday...we ran out of water, propane (which meant no hot water) and even electricity. but the experience was one of a kind. the first night we stayed in boulder at the pastors house and since we had to get to radersburg by 9 sunday morning we left from boulder at 6:30...the only good thing about that was the fact that we got to eat breakfast on the road at wheat montana. its a huge bakery and they serve the most awesome cinnamon rolls that are as big as a plate. they also grow all their own wheat and then sale flour, bread and all that good stuff. the cool thing about them is that all the wheat is grown without any i guess it would be organic?? organic or not that thing was stinkin good!!

while in radersburg we got to search for fools gold, and we went back into the "forest" where lots of people hunt and we saw a HUGE bull moose on the side of the mountain...pretty up close cause it was drinking out of the creek. according to my teammates i got a little excited about it...but i mean, there were a couple of goals i had when i came out here:
1. go fly fishing (still working on that)
2. see a big bull elk (saw a little one in yellowstone, but im still searching)
3. see a big bull moose - CHECK!
last monday after vbs we went to the lewis and clark caverns...had to hike up a hill to get to the entrance some i am counting that as a mountain haha it was so cool in there!! both cold and neat haha it was a beautiful view of the jefferson river from the top. wednesday we took pastor richard's boat out on the missouri river to see the gates of the mountains that lewis and clark discovered on their expedition. it was breath-taking-ly beautiful!! we even got within about 30 feet of a herd of mountain goats. they just stared at us haha they are ugly little fellows. also got to see somebody pulling a fish out of the river....the thing was HUGE!!! thursday night we went to two of the kids' that were in vbs art show in a town about 20 mins away. they were so excited that we came...they were some fun little boys. on the last day, the youngest one gave me a cactus he had made and said that he wanted me to have it so i would never forget him...he even said "maybe you could put it right next to the picture we took together?" i told him definitely, i wouldn't ever forget him. there were only 8 kids that came...7 that were regular and they were so sweet. all of them needed so much love and we really got to hang out with them a lot. if we were at the camper we always had visitors, either the kids or people from the church. they were all so welcoming and it was so nice to be "away from civilization" and just be able to focus on the kids, the people and our mission there. I LOVE RADERSBURG!!!

so this next week is youth camp...super excited about that and the change we are finally getting from vbs! its only from monday morning till thursday morning and so on friday and saturday the girls and i are taking a road trip to see glacier national park...the pictures we have seen are beautiful so we decided we needed to check it out ourselves!!! so that will be the last big adventure of the summer!! we will then go back to helena to do prep work for canyon ferry's vbs and then saturday, august 2nd.....i am homeward bound!!!!
ok sorry this post was kinda rushed and i left lots of stuff out but i didn't have much are some pics!

radersburg baptist church...there was no indoor plumbing in the 100+ year old building hence the porta-potty on the side haha

our home for the week! you should have seen the guess is that it was 4 foot by 4 foot and encompassed the toilet and shower all in that one space

us with the kids and some of their families behind.
me and little joe...he was 3. everyday i would ask him to be my little buddy and he would say no, he would only be my friend.

me and nathan...the cowboy

us on the missouri river boat ride

me in crow creek. its in the helena national forest where lots of people hunt. my feet were red and in pain for like 30 minutes after this little excursion!


  1. I love the pictures! I did not expect the church to look like a church,thought you said it was just a community building they used for church but it was neat huh? I know just being out with plain ole folks in such a small community gave ya'll time to appreciate and use the gifts God sent you to Montana with. Even as your days are ticking away ( and I am thankful it's getting closer ) I am still praying you can stay filled and ready for new experiences in His name daily.
    Continue on with those "Adventures
    in Montana" they will last a lifetime! I Love You, Moma

  2. hey kristi! i've always wanted to see a big moose too so im glad you got to see one. i really liked your pics especially the church ha. God works everywhere, in montana and even here. we had four girls from our church except Christ this week. well its not too much longer and you'll be home. i know thats gotta be a bittersweet feeling for you. enjoy your last days there. make memories. i cant wait till you come back so we can hear all about your adventures. love, regan

  3. Hey Kristi! First comment of the summer, I know, but I wanted to let you know how beautiful the pictures are. You looked like you had so much fun. I know everyone benefited from having you there. Have a great rest of the summer!!

  4. oh, kristi i can't wait to welcome you home august 2nd. we will all be there with open arms. i know that you will walk away from this with the most wonderful experience that you have ever had. i have learned so much from you and i am blessed that you are in my life. we had a wonderful weekend being with the epting gang for mamie's birthday party. i will post all about it later. i have my junior league project this week, then after that i head to work for a couple of hours this will be all week long. i am worn out today. anyway, stay safe love you lots, alison

  5. Hey Kristi. It seems like you have been gone forever. I know your family must be missing you so much. Anthony asked me this morning(after he saw a write up about the BSU in the Baptist Record) why we never joined the BSU in college. I said you know- I don't know. I guess we never thought about it. How stupid is that. I hate to think back over my life and see missed opportunities. You -HOWEVER won't be doing much of that. Kristi, I pray you continue doing what you're doing and take advantage of the time you have while in college- before work and families begin. You are such an inspiration to so many. Love, Amanda
