Saturday, July 12, 2008

3 weeks left!!! but outta touch with civilization for 2 weeks

well today marks the last three weeks of my journey out here. and boy has it been a journey!! i am not sure, but i kinda wish i could be out here just a little longer...although at the same time it would be nice to be home!! Everything is still going fine, but we are probably fixing to get in some areas where i will not have cell phone service or internet access. I know for certain that while I am at youth camp not this week but the next, i wont have cell service. In a way it might be nice to not have to worry about that but also it'll probably get kinda lonely not being able to hear from everyone. so i just wanted to give everyone fair warning that that was a big possibility for the next couple of weeks, however if i get the chance you know i'll post something!
yesterday we had quite an adventure and so i wanted to share it. We went with micah and some other folks to the "ringing rocks." the ringing rocks is this HUGE formation of red colored boulders that are piled up really high. you can climb all over them and there are caves and tunnels and stuff in the formation. the thing that makes them unique though is the way they sound when you hit them with a hammer. evidently the rocks have some sort of metal in them, because when you hit them with a hammer they make sounds!! there were several that we found that made sounds like bells, some just went "clunk" and others sounded like you were hitting a tin can. It was the coolest thing ever!!! who would have ever thought that rocks could make sounds like that!! the sound that they make is dependent on the size and shape of them and the placement in the pile. if the rock is removed from the pile then they will no longer ring. it was just one of the many things out here that to me, you cant look at and deny that God created this world...i mean how else could this huge pile of rocks just make noise??!! i couldn't help but think about the passage in luke where Jesus made his triumphant entry. As he came to the place where he approaches the road that goes down the mount of olives, the whole crowd of disciples began praising God for all the miracles and everything they had seen. The pharisees in the crowd told Jesus to rebuke his followers and in reply Jesus said:

"'I tell you,' he replied, 'if they keep quiet, the stones
will cry out.'"
-Luke 19:40

i'll tell you now, if we as his people don't start praising him as we should, I have found the stones that are going to do it for us!!!! ha it was awesome to see those things! there are not too many locations in the world to see this phenomenon, but i know there is one formation in pennsylvania. after the ringing rocks we went back to delmoe lake to try and swim again...NOT!!! that water was freezing and the wind was even colder!!! i opted not to swim because i didn't want to get sick my last little while here! we came back to butte and saw the state flower, the bitter root, watched a movie and ate supper, which micah grilled for us. We also went and listened to some folk music at the national folk festival which is being held in butte this weekend! great end to the week! of course i have pictures!!

at the bottom of ringing rocks

the formation had two peaks, and this is in the "valley" between them.

i climbed up on top of this.

ringing those rocks!!

on my way down the rocks!


  1. Montana is full of wonders! I am so thankful you are seeing all you are. The rocks seem pretty interesting. Believe me we are counting down now too, Hope the next three weeks get even better.
    God Bless Ya! I Love Ya, Moma

  2. um. awesome. i want to go bang on those rocks. at least while you're out of touch with civilization at camp you'll have me! haha. can't wait to meet up with yall out there. peace!

  3. hi! We are in Branson right now. The mountains are pretty here, but nothing like the Rockies! God is truly amazing with His creations. We are looking forward to you coming back home, but are thankful you had this opportunity.
