Friday, June 20, 2008

the shepherds have it

well just finished up the second vbs of the summer...pretty soon i think we'll be considered experts on the material and the songs! boy, do those songs get stuck in your head or what?! so let me explain the title, tonight after we finished cleaning up the church the 4 of us went ahead and got in the van using mrs. karens keys. so about 5 minutes later someone asks us if we have seen her keys and we tell them yes, that we have them in the van with us. well evidently the message didn't get to her because about 5 minutes later, she came out of the church and asked the group of people if they had seen her keys...little quinne who is 3 calmly replies, "yes, the shepherds have it," as she pointed to the van. so as of now we are no longer referred to as summer missionaries, but as shepherds. haha i thought it was pretty cute

Summer Shepherds: "Herding Kids as They Learn God's Truth"

i think it has a better ring to it than just "summer missionary girls," dont you??? well lets see, vbs went great, the week started out with around 25 kids and i think climaxed with around 37, tonight there weren't many kids at all but here in montana when the weekends roll around its hard to find people at home because most people go camping or something so fridays are always a hard day to get kids to come. tonight instead of having a big program, the kids brought their parents with them and the parents went through a typical vbs night with them. it was a really cool idea, and honestly i was so surprised to see the number of unchurched or at least parents who were members of other churches there. There is one family in particular that just really surprised me. earlier in the week the pastor had notified us that there were four kids who were brothers and sisters and that for the longest time the four kids have been coming to sunday school and church. one teacher said a lot of times they are the first ones to the church, but the thing is...they are the only ones who come. their parents don't come so the kids make the effort to get themselves to church each week. we were also told that their family situation is a bit rough, so i honestly did not expect to see anyone with them tonight. but as they slowly came in i realized that each of the four kids had an adult with them. their parents and grandparents were all there and were able to go through the entire night with them. its just so neat to see the little ones bring their parents to church and that is what this family of little ones did. the kids themselves are awesome, anthony is in 5th grade, ethan is in 4th, dakota is in 2nd and kennedy is in 1st. one amazing thing is that as we were walking back from the community ball park tuesday afternoon one of the kids in anthony's class told me that later monday night in the music class anthony repeated the story i had told about moses and the burning bush and crossing the red sea. she told me it was so weird because "he said like every word you said, he told the entire story and explained everything just like you did." the funny thing is, i had thought anthony didn't pay attention at all to my story, i guess thats just the way the word of the Lord doesn't matter how many games we play or how good of a stroyteller we are, God has a specific word for everyone of us to hear and anthony heard exactly what he needed that night, whether he was into the games and story or not.

so today we did a little sight seeing. we rode up to the once booming mining town of Elkhorn. I say once, because its a ghost town now. it was quite interesting!! there are two historic buildings that are still standing from the late 1800's/early 1900's so we were able to go in them and look around. in the late 1800's there was a brain fever epidemic that swept through the town and killed lots of the people, mainly children. there is a cemetery above the town so we went up there and looked at all that. its a cemetery that they just happened to put on government land. the government wanted to exhume all the bodies and relocate the cemetery but just recently passed a law that will allow the cemetery to stay there since its been there for so long. it was pretty neat. we also learned though that its not completely a ghost town, there are several people that still live in it - you know the kind that are really weird and want to stay as far away from society as possible? yeah, those people are there. there is one house that is home to a hippie from california that grows pot - at least thats what pastor dan told us and i believe it from the way his house looked!! on the way up there we got caught in the middle of a herd of cattle as some cowgirls were trying to move them down the road to another field. kinda made me feel right at home!! they completely surrounded our church van as they just meandered on down the road haha i'm telling you, i dont see why people think mississippians are rednecks after some of the stuff i've seen up here!! on our way down the mountain we put the van in neutral and made it nearly all the way to the bottom without using the was pretty fun!
well i think that is all of my adventures for the a couple more pictures to share!

heres for you, daddy...some nice angus cows that were being moved down the road near elkhorn (the ghost town) they were right in our way!!

up close - so you could see some true montanan cows, daddy...everyday there are probably close to 100 cattle trucks that go through downtown boulder on their route from alberta to denver

cuttin a rug at the dance hall and saloon in the ghost town of Elkhorn - me casey and elizabeth

front of the dance hall and saloon

across the coldest creek in the world...ok maybe its not really "the coldest creek in the world" but IT SURE FELT LIKE IT!!!!!!!!! oh yeah and its not a creek up here...its a "CRICK" got to learn to speak the language a little better, and also just for your FYI, trees dont have roots, they have RUTS (sounds like you are saying a sophisticated form of rut)

first baptist boulder

friday night at vbs


  1. You are just too funny. I know what you mean about the songs. Mamie went to VBS a couple of weeks ago and she still is singing the songs. Then she will go to our VBS next week so I am sure she will be singing the songs some more. I was reading your post to her and she saw the pictures of the children at VBS and she said "look they have the same as we did, that is cool". Hope you and "the shepherds" are feeling better. Love to you, us

  2. We love it! Glad to know Pastor Dan was with you in the ghost-town that looked interesting. So glad you made it back down the mountain and did't get in a stampede. The "sheperds" that does sound a little more descriptive than the "girls", kids just come up with it all. I love the stories, God just keeps plugging ya'll right into the right stuff! Keep taking care of yourself and the others. I Love You! Moma

  3. Best pictures yet,MT I was thinking of with the cows. Just think when they are out on the road the sheriff dep. would not even call. We are so proud of you, working with the children, letting them see Gods love through you and willing to do God's will. Good to read and see the pictures but still like to hear your voice. Your 1 yr older dad P.s. loved the card thanks

  4. Really enjoy keeping up with your mission adventures. Makes me feel like I am there in person with you. So proud to hear the children are responding and bringing parents. We had a good church service today. We had three mission groups to report. Rob and family reported on their mission project in Columbia. Brother David and others reported on the Mud Out in Greenville and the Youth reported on Centifuge. My granddaughter spent the weekend and we had a good time visiting with her. She is studying nursing at McNeese State in Lake Charles, La. Short showers every day but not much to record. Blueberries are in and had lots of people come up and pick. Always enjoy sharing and their company. Take care and be reminded that we pray for you and now we can refer to the group as The Sheperds. I really like the title and think it fits the job you are doing. Love C and LL

  5. Hi Kristi! We are back from Centrifuge. It is amazing how much we got to see the hand of God working with our kiddos - and us. It just wouldn't be Centrifuge without adventures.

    I like your new title. It is very fitting. From some of the pics, it looks like y'all are the dancing shepherds.

    Will and I enjoy reading your blog and seeing the pics.

  6. Hey Cuz! I finally saw your blog and it is awesome! I am so glad that you are enjoying your time out there! We had a good time in Atlanta...GO BRAVES. Not too much new around here. Fisher is finally walking a little and getting into ALOT of trouble. He got into a wasp nest the other day and got stung 7 times but he turned out fine..litle bugger! The post card was wonderful...made me wish I was there! Love the Ladner Crew!

  7. Hey Kristi - love the stories!! Isn't it amazing that the little ones you don't think even care to be a vbs are the ones who "get it!"
    Sounds like you're making a pretty good impression on them to - giving ya'll such a grand title. We're headed to Atlanta this weekend for Beth Moore Conference-we're so excited, we've got about 39 "females" going and THOMAS (he's driving)! Don't know who you should pray for - us or him!! The youth shared with us about their Centrifuge Experience Sunday night and it was weird not having you there!! Take care and we'll continue to pray for God to keep working his wonders and hope everyone is feeling better! Pam

  8. Kristi,
    You are making a great sheperd, Keep up the good works, Sweetie. We all miss you, and speak of your work and being so kind and willing to leave your family and do God's work. You are a great planner along with it. Keep up the good works, be glad to see you, May God's blessings be with you each and every day. Take care, Love Annice

  9. P.S.
    Kristi, I forgot to mention that this is my first experience with a computer at the age of 90+. I enjoyed all your sweet things on the blog and when you get home I want to see that twist.
    God bless you, Annice

  10. Corban wants to know exactly what that dance is called you were performing in the saloon:) Our favorite VBS song is "A a wiki..." We are still singing that one. The scenery is beautiful. Great pics! Any survey work in your future? Beware of the dogs and nudie colonies, ha. Make great memories and enjoy every moment. You will remember this summer always. Love you. Aunt Mel and Corb
